Where to Stay
Camping Options:
KIPPY'S Bar and Grill: Free camping is available on a first-come first-served basis on the grassy lot behind KIPPY'S. Porta johns and water outside KIPPY'S. Additional space available on the baseball diamond across the trail. No driving or fires on the baseball diamond.
Trailside Hideaway: This campground is just down the trail from the start, nice sites, modern bathrooms and SHOWERS. Home (trailsidehideaway.com)
Bear Lake Campground is about 7 miles from the start. A USFS campground on the shore of Bear Lake. Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest - Bear Lake Recreation Area (usda.gov)
Camp 20 Cabins: Camp 20 Cabins
Johnnies Resort: Home (johnniesresort.com)
Waubee Lake Lodge: Waubee Lodge Reservations
Potowatomi Hotel and Casino: Potawatomi Casino Hotel Carter: Gaming | Entertainment | Lodging | Dining (cartercasino.com)
Crandon Inn and Suites: Crandon Inn & Suites - Motel in Crandon, WI (crandoninnsuites.com)